Q: Where is the ON and OFF switch?
A: The system is activated automatically, by motion.
Q: Does the Toilet Friend work with power?
A: Yes, it works with a current of between 7.8 and 12 volts.
Q: Where do you get the power from?
A: We drill a 6mm hole in the wall and get the power from the room next door, or take it into the roof and then to the nearest room with a power point.
Q: Is it expensive to run?
A: No, the current is stepped down to between 7.8 and 12 volts.
Q: Do you need to add anything to the system?
A: No, the system is maintenance free.
Q: Does the Toilet Friend System eliminate all odours?
A: Yes, it eliminates all toilet odours effectively.
Q: Does the Toilet Friend remove airborne viruses and bacteria?
A: YES, airborne viruses and bacteria are removed as an added bonus.
Q: Were does the foul air get sent to?
A: The air is expelled into the sewerage pipe.
Q: Does the Toilet Friend make your toilet smell nice?
A: In essence YES, but it doesn’t smell like roses, lavender etc. The system works with airflow, so the smell will be only natural clean air.
Q: Does the toilet need to be replaced?
A: No, the Toilet Friend fits on almost any new or existing toilet.
Q: Does the Toilet Friend fit on a Geberit system?
A: Yes, we need to start the installation of the Toilet Friend while the Geberit is being installed.